The Tough Road: My Journey from the Battlefield to Civilian Life

Life After Iraq, A Silent Battle

Coming back from Iraq in 2005, I stepped into what felt like a different universe. The military had been my world, my identity. Back home, I was a stranger in my own life. I struggled with emotions I couldn't express, plus a constant sense of disconnection from everyone and everything else. Conversations with those who hadn’t walked in my boots felt impossible. They didn’t understand the shadows of war that lingered in my mind.

On the surface, I played my part well. I smiled, went to work, and tried to fit into the rhythm of a life that no longer made sense. But inside, I was fighting a relentless storm of rage, depression, and confusion. There’s this unspoken expectation for Veterans to be strong, unbreakable. But here’s the truth: real strength isn’t about hiding your struggles; it’s about facing them head-on.

A Journey Through the Fog

I realized that healing wasn't going to happen in isolation. It required connection, understanding – things I found missing in my life. I tried therapy, read books on post-traumatic growth, and even attended Veteran meetups. Some helped a bit, some didn’t. But each step was a part of a larger journey towards healing.

One thing that started to shift my perspective was helping other Veterans. Sharing my story, listening to theirs, I found a sense of purpose that had been missing since my discharge. I realized that our experiences, as harrowing and different as they were, also gave us unique strengths – resilience, comradeship, and a deep understanding of sacrifice.

Building a Community of Growth and Healing

This realization led me to start Veterans Growth Guild. It's a place for us Veterans to come together, share our stories, and support each other on our journey towards healing and growth. We’re more than just a group; we’re a brotherhood rediscovering our place in the world together.

Join Us

If you're a veteran struggling to find your footing in civilian life, or if you know someone who is, come check us out. Visit our events tab to learn about our upcoming gatherings. You don’t have to walk this path alone. Together, we can find our way back home.


Rediscovering the Power of Camaraderie